Spiritual Masculinity

the highest expression of the male form

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Spiritual Masculinity is not a new concept or a novel way of thinking. It is, however, the highest form of masculinity a male can attain. This form of thinking and way of life is meant as a way to provide an anchor to attain a high level of divine living.

This is a modern approach to a way of life that is meant as a service to humanity, earth, and the universe.

This framework is made up of 10 tenets that build upon each other.

A Student of Life

a black and white silhouette of a person holding a globe signifying student of life of spiritual masculinity

The Core Principle of Spiritual Masculinity

At the heart of Spiritual Masculinity lies a fundamental tenet: to remain curious and committed to learning. This means approaching every moment with the same curiosity and humility as a first grader on their first day of school or a new employee on their first day of the job. It is a constant process of learning and avoiding the acceptance of anything as a universal truth.

To cherish each moment as a learning experience is crucial. Even when faced with repetition, one should see it as an opportunity to refine and expand their knowledge as a student of life.

Inconsistently Consistent

Inconsistently consistent is a paradoxical concept that captures the essence of a life lived both within and beyond the boundaries of routine. It recognizes the familiar cadence of daily activities—the steady rhythm of wake, work, eat, and sleep—yet it embraces the subtle variances that make each day distinct. This approach to life is not about monumental changes; rather, it's about those small, intentional deviations that inject novelty into the mundane. By consciously seeking out these minor alterations, one finds themselves in a state of perpetual adaptation, consistently pushing the edges of their comfort zone. It's a dance between the comfort of routine and the thrill of the unknown, a balancing act where stability does not equate to stagnation, and change is not synonymous with chaos. In being inconsistently consistent, one discovers the art of living dynamically, finding growth in the nuances of everyday life and learning to thrive in the gentle oscillation between constancy and change.

Abundant Strength

Abundant strength is a holistic concept that encompasses discipline, physical prowess, mental resilience, and moral integrity. It's cultivated through consistent practice, encompassing rigorous physical training and mental exercises for focus and emotional intelligence, coupled with a steadfast commitment to personal growth. Central to this idea is the development of a strong character, guided by a clear moral compass and ethical principles. This multifaceted strength is not just about excelling in one aspect but achieving a balanced and resilient approach to life, reflecting a deep-rooted commitment to continuous self-improvement and ethical living.

Relentless Love

The concept of relentless love encompasses a balanced fusion of strength, compassion, and understanding. It begins with deep self-love, extending outward to a respectful and empathetic love for women and femininity, recognizing their integral role in harmony with masculinity. This philosophy also involves nurturing and protective love towards children and society, free from judgment, and sometimes expressed through tough, passionate guidance. At its core, it's about achieving a harmonious balance between the various facets of masculinity, combining power and gentleness, passion and empathy, in a holistic expression of love.

Radical Self-Care

With self-love comes radical self-care. That is loving yourself in such a manner that everything you do from waking up in the morning, everything you put in your body, to the way you walk is in such a way to express gratitude for the life you’ve been given and the body in which you reside. With this gratitude, you have no choice but to care for your body and mind.

At its core, it's about infusing daily life with intention and gratitude, recognizing that caring for oneself in this comprehensive, mindful manner is fundamental to fostering relentless love towards others.

Limitless Vulnerability

Masculine doesn’t mean you lack vulnerability. Vulnerability is the ability to admit there is always room for improvement. It is having abundant strenght, but knowing where the weaknesses might lie. It is facing others with nothing to hide but what is in you.

In the framework of Spiritual Masculinity, limitless vulnerability allows for the male to tap into the the areas that need consistent work and to allow others to see that. It is taking down the layer of protection that masculinity has usually been associated with and knowing that with the layer being taken away abundance and knowledge can come in.

A Warrior & Protector

The most powerful and dangerous duty of a Spiritually Masculine male is that of a warrior and protector. In modern socieity we have, for the most part, let this duty fade away. In this framework a pivotal part is for you to always act as a warrior for yourself and a protector of your own rights. With this it is using all the other tenets of Spiritual Masculinity to drive how you conduct yourself as a warrior and protector.

The duty to protect one’s family is essential in this tenet as well. The Spiritually Masculine Male must protect his wife and children at all cost, and also those that he loves around him. This means training yourself one how to both physically and mentally protect your family for forces that might cause harm.

Answers to a Divine Calling

The Spiritually Masculine male knows there is a power greater than him and he respects that force. Divinity should radiate through each waking moment knowing that all of the other tenets are useless if there is no connection with the divine.

This can be expressed through a multitude of methods such as meditation, prayer or other practices. However, it is important to not rely on external forces to achieve this. The Spiritually Masculine male can seek guidance, but should look into himself and find his connection to divinity within himself, that will allow him to share it with others.

Permeates Truth

The life of a Spiritually Masculine male must be centered around thruth. This means not lying to themselves or others in both spoken word and in actions.

Lying to oneself distracts from the right things that one must do in each day to day interaction. One must be true to oneself in terms of what it is they want and need. Don’t lie to yourself that you have this or that trait, or view yourself in such a regard that is not reality.

In the same way, every movement and spoken word must be based on what is the truth, not blatant or even lies that are accidental. Each interaction must be based on truth for optimal living.

Lacks AlL Desire

The final and most difficult tenet of Spiritual Masculinity is to attain all lack of desire.

This means there is complete lack of desire for things that cause pleasure. This doesn’t not mean pleasure and joy is lacking from the Spiritually Masculine male, it means being able to say yes to these wonderful blessing based on truth and what is most beneficial.

With the lack of desire, abundance will flow in such a magnitude that no one can even imagine and with this abudnance joy and fulfillment is so much more valuable tha the pleasure attained through fulfilling your deep desires.

Through this last stage and hardest stage, the Spiritually Masculine male can live a full and vibrant life.

Spiritual Masculinity Links

Being a Spiritually Masculine male isn’t an easy feet, it takes constant work.

We’ve made a few apparel items you find on our TeePublic store, we’ll continue to make more designs you’ll love.

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